
Eton Solutions正重塑当今的家族办公室,并再次定义未来的家族办公室。
Eton Solutions 是一家软件和服务公司,旨在应对在为超高净值家庭提供服务时存在的各种复杂挑战。公司总部设在美国,国际总部设在新加坡,主要服务于美洲以外的市场。Eton Solutions 的旗舰产品是 AtlasFive®,由家族办公室领导者打造,这是一个一体化平台,可全面汇总和管理办公室的所有数据、报告和工作流程。
协作和领域专长 - 重新定义。
我们已在您所属领域深耕多年,是您所属领域的专家。我们曾处于您的位置,面对过那些让您彻夜难眠的问题。我们经历过您面临的挑战,能够感同身受,而且我们着手解决这些挑战。AtlasFive® 的诞生源于我们创始人的信念,即整体的家族财富管理方法可以得出比传统的孤立管理系统更好的结果。因此,我们平台的基础是最大限度地降低风险并提高盈利能力的精简一体化流程。
我们热切盼望一个经过全面优化的家族办公室,这激励我们制定期望的解决方案。我们厌倦了迥然不同的系统、失准错误的报告、冗余累赘的流程和宝贵的人员时间遭到浪费,因此打造出 AtlasFive®——首个真正一体化财富管理系统。
Eton Solutions 首席执行官 Rob Mallernee 讲述了他创建 AtlasFive® 的原因,以及对独特解决方案的需求——由家族办公室为家族办公室打造的解决方案。
请观看下面的视频短片,我们的创始人 Robert Mallernee 在视频中讲述了我们从家族办公室专业人士到家族办公室软件创新者的历程。

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经验丰富的专业人士设置 行业标准。
我们的领导团队由家族办公室专业人士组成,他们在财富管理行业的经验合计超过 100 年。我们不但了解现代家族办公室的艰难处境,还坚持不懈地开发智能一体化经营系统。
与我们合作意味着加入一支由专家组成的现成团队。Eton Solutions团队拥有强大的实力和行业领先的技能,准备好随时利用丰富的技术和资源来为您提供全面的解决方案,帮助您提升业务水平。请相信这些曾身处您所在位置的专业人士,他们经验丰富,可以引领您走上家族办公室的未来之路。

Satyen 曾在多家跨国公司担任高级管理职位,工作足迹遍布全球。他的职业生涯始于位于明尼苏达州明尼阿波利斯市的 Grand Metropolitan PLC/The Pillsbury Company,担任战略发展总监。之后,他加入了位于纽约的百事可乐国际公司,担任国际业务发展总监,继续在食品和饮料行业开展业务发展工作。从百事可乐离职后,他前往新加坡担任耐克东南亚公司的董事总经理。他在新加坡继续自己的职业生涯,担任 3i PLC 亚太区非执行董事,之后在伦敦创办了 Cambridge Solutions Ltd.。除了拥有多年的业务发展高级管理经验之外,Satyen 还在不同的全球性公司担任过各种董事会职务。他目前是 Neilsoft Ltd、Credo ESG 和 DharmaLife 的董事会成员,之前曾是 ICON Aircraft Inc. 的董事会成员。他还创办过几间公司,其中包括:Prescient Inc.(他是共同创始人和前执行主席)以及金融服务领域的 IT 和业务流程外包上市公司 Cambridge Solutions Ltd.(他是共同创始人和前执行副主席)。

作为 Eton Solutions 的首席执行官,Rob 带领第三代财富管理技术公司开发和提供面向家族办公室、联合家族办公室和财务经理人市场的最全面一体化平台。Eton Solutions 平台以 Rob 在财富管理领域的深厚专业知识为基础,辅以强大的系统开发和客户服务团队。在加入 Eton Solutions 之前,Rob 与其他人一起创办了一个联合家族办公室 Eton Advisors。在此之前,他曾担任瑞银(UBS)旗下联合家族办公室小组的负责人。在职业生涯早期,Rob 曾担任美国信托(US Trust)联合家族办公室的创始负责人,在此之前,他曾担任 NC Trust Company 私人资产管理小组的负责人,该公司于 1999 年被出售给 US Trust。他的职业生涯始于北卡罗来纳州的安达信会计师事务所和芝加哥的普华永道会计师事务所,曾任高级税务经理。他在遗产税和所得税规划、投资咨询服务以及复杂的治理和继承问题方面经验尤为丰富。Rob 在北卡罗来纳大学凯南-弗拉格勒商学院和其他教师一起教授研究生课程“个人投资与财富管理”。他是一名特许金融分析师。Rob 拥有芝加哥大学国际商务与金融工商管理硕士学位和北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校理学学士学位。Rob 同时是福布斯金融委员会的正式成员。该委员会根据经验的深度和多样性挑选成员,加入后可参与私人论坛讨论、伙伴关系和合作。

凯文·海耶斯于 2020 年加入 Eton Solutions。Kevin 的日常职责范围广泛,包括客户互动、销售、实施和服务。作为Eton Solutions的总裁,凯文还是公司富有远见的领导者,并确保伊顿解决方案的使命推动公司做出的每一项决策。
Kevin在美国和英国拥有丰富的资产管理经验,为Eton Solutions带来了全球视角,并在国际金融服务领域拥有30多年的经验。
凯文在全球证券交易所上市公司十多年的经验使Eton Solutions成为一家世界知名的公司。最近,凯文曾担任River and Mercantile Group PLC的首席财务官,为他们争取在2014年在伦敦证券交易所进行高级上市提供了便利。在领导这项工作期间,他负责养老金咨询和资产管理业务的财务、法律、合规和运营。
他以前的经历为他完成这项任务做好了充分的准备,因为他在担任富时100指数上市资产管理公司曼集团有限公司的财务总监兼董事会成员(2007-2012年)期间,在MF Global在纽约证券交易所的分拆和上市中发挥了重要作用。在Man Group PLC任职期间,他负责英国、瑞士、美国、新加坡、香港和日本的财务和财政职能。凯文在国际金融服务领域的领导职位以及他在上市公司上市的经验使他成为Eton Solutions执行团队的宝贵资产。
在担任这些职位之前,凯文在雷曼兄弟工作了十多年。他于1995年开始在英国担任董事总经理兼资本市场首席财务官,负责固定收益、股票和私人客户业务,然后于2001年移居英国成为雷曼国际首席财务官(涵盖欧洲和亚洲)。2005 年,他出任生产力和流程改进主管,进一步拓展了自己的国际管理经验。在此职位上,他共同领导了雷曼印度的离岸业务。
Kevin 毕业于新西兰维多利亚大学,拥有法律和会计学学士学位。他被认可为新西兰高等法院出庭律师和律师。凯文还是加利福尼亚的注册会计师。

Phil Ierardi 于 2021 年 4 月加入 Eton Solutions,担任高级销售副总裁。Phil 曾在富达投资公司(Fidelity Investments)任职 25 年。他在 2004 年从零开始,经过 16 年的努力,将富达家族办公室服务的业务规模发展为拥有 450 多个客户和近 2000 亿美元资产。Phil 的上一份工作是担任 FFOS 的家族办公室高级销售副总裁,负责监督全国范围内的业务发展职能,以及由一支专注于技术和运营效率的顾问团队组成的报告服务职能。Phil 曾与数百个单一家族办公室和联合家族办公室合作,在金融技术和运营领域拥有丰富的知识,能够应对支持超高净值客户时面临的固有挑战。在从事销售和咨询工作之前,Phil 曾负责领导一支专注于为单一家族办公室和联合家族办公室客户开发和提供报告服务的团队,成员包括中台、后台和产品管理专业人员组。他参与了新平台的构建和创建以及世界级服务模式的实施。在加入 FFOS 之前,他曾在 Fidelity Charitable 担任多个职务,负责管理 Fidelity Charitable 基础设施的现代化和向新平台的转换。他曾帮助推出一项外包的白标捐赠者建议基金新业务。最后,他曾担任关系经理,向信托和遗产律师、注册会计师、注册投资顾问和超高净值个人推广 Fidelity Charitable 的服务。

Bryan Henning 是一位拥有 30 多年经验的财富管理专家,担任 Eton Solutions 的高级副总裁兼国际业务主管。Bryan 常驻新加坡,负责亚太地区的销售和营销工作。他领导整个亚太地区的客户互动、销售、实施和服务,并支持公司在新加坡的所有业务。在几十件年的职业生涯中,Bryan 一直从事银行和财富管理领域的工作,曾担任渣打银行、巴克莱财富和汇丰银行旗下多个部门的主管,负责开发和管理面向散户、大众富裕阶层、高净值和超高净值客户的财富管理产品的方方面面。虽然 Bryan 在非洲、中东和欧洲建立及运营财富管理和投资产品与服务业务上大获成功。他对亚洲的市场了解最深。他是新加坡的永久居民,目前居住在新加坡,也拥有加拿大和澳大利亚也是他的家乡。Bryan 毕业于加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学(University of British Columbia),获得商学学士学位。他已取得不列颠哥伦比亚省特许会计师协会颁发的特许会计师资格,最近成为财富管理学院教师队伍的一员,支持产品和咨询服务课程的教学工作。在正式加入Eton Solutions之前,Bryan 还曾担任 Eton Solutions 的顾问,为其国际扩张战略出谋献策。

Nimish 为 Eton 带来了其超过 25年的创业和全球上市公司高级管理职位工作经验。 Nimish 运用其在大型实施和运营方面的深厚专业知识,开发和建立了 Eton Solutions 的新客户接待和客户运营团队。他制定了一流的方法论和实践,使 Eton Solutions 能够快速扩大运营规模。Nimish 的职业生涯开始于 Cap Gemini。后来,他创办了包括 ProcessMind 和 FirstLife 在内的多家公司。 ProcessMind 发展成为一家在拥有 5000 名员工的公司,员工和客户遍布全球。 经过多次并购后,ProcessMind 并入 Xchanging(伦敦上市公司),而 Nimish 担任该公司的全球执行管理委员会成员。

Jeegar Patel 是 Eton Solutions 的产品和技术开发团队负责人。他是一位具有商业产品思维的思想领袖,在制定和执行技术转型与业务流程重构战略方面表现出色。他负责设计一体化平台架构,构建一个充分整合财富管理生命周期的所有运营环节的全面端到端解决方案,使家族办公室既能更高效地运行,又能向客户提供全新体验。在加入Eton之前,Jeegar 曾在贝莱德(Blackrock)任职 18 年,担任常务董事,负责设计该公司 Aladdin 平台上的会计、业绩、提供商监督和报告功能的加速技术愿景和商业产品发布战略——这是业务增长的关键引擎,从而从现有客户那里获取增量收入,并为潜在客户提供与众不同的价值主张。Jeegar 拥有巴罗达·撒亚吉若大学(Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda)电子工程学士学位和电气工程硕士学位,专攻自动化控制和机器人技术。

Eton Solutions首席信息官穆拉利德兰(Murali)Nadarajah利用了超过三十年的系统集成和专业服务全球经验。他在数字化转型、人工智能和分析方面的专业知识遍及美国、英国和亚洲。
穆拉利的职业生涯因其在HCL、BancTec和DXC Technologies(前身为CSC和惠普企业)担任首席执行官、首席技术官和首席信息官而著称,包括共同创立了Digité等风险投资资助的企业。他推动了重大创新,例如屡获殊荣的自动收费系统和世界上第一个基于云的全国性虚拟学习环境。他为美国运通和高盛等金融巨头的高影响力项目做出的贡献展示了他的战略愿景和对通过技术实现行业转型的承诺。
他扩大了网络安全和隐私措施,在现有的 SOC2 合规性中增加了 ISO27001、ISO27701 和 OSPAR。

Bharath Kumar 是 Eton Solutions 的首席实施官,负责管理所有实施职能。他与执行团队和高级领导团队密切合作,执行公司的战略愿景。他的主要职责包括培养高素质的实施人才,以及开发可提高 Eton 的实施效率的方法、实施操作程序和全球基础设施。Bharath 有超过 24 年在全球工作的经验。在加入Eton Solutions之前,他曾担任 Arthur J Gallagher 的国际事业部首席运营官,负责监督 25 个国家的业务。在 Arthur J Gallagher 工作期间,他执行了大量并购和整合方面的工作,并负责在多文化运营团队中实施运营模式和专业标准。他也曾担任一家全球性的技术和业务运营服务的公司担任实施主管。其客户遍布全球,当中涉及银行、保险、保险经纪、养老金、物业资产管理、物流等行业。Bharath 拥有印度芒格洛尔大学(Mangalore University)金融管理工商管理硕士学位,专攻资本资产和投资组合理论。

Satyen Patel
Satyen has previously held senior management positions in several multinational companies and has worked all over the globe. He started his career with Grand Metropolitan PLC/The Pillsbury Company, based out of Minneapolis, MN, and served as their Director of Strategic Development. He continued his business development work in the food and beverage industry when he joined Pepsi-Cola International in New York, where he was Director, International Business Development & Operations. Thereafter, Managing Director for Nike Southeast Asia & South Asia based out of Singapore and a non-executive director at 3i PLC Asia-Pacific before setting off to found Cambridge Solutions Ltd. in London.
In addition to his years of experience in senior management for business development, Satyen has held a variety of board positions. He is currently a member of the board for Neilsoft Ltd. Formerly, a board member for ICON Aircraft Inc. He was the co-founder and Chairman of Prescient Inc., and prior to that a co-founder and Executive Vice Chairman for Cambridge Solutions Ltd. a publicly listed IT and BPO company in financial services.

Robert E. Mallernee
As Chief Executive Officer of Eton Solutions, Rob leads a third-generation wealth management technology firm in developing and offering the most comprehensive, integrated platform for the family office, multi-family office and wealth manager market. The Eton Solutions platform is based upon Rob’s deep domain expertise in wealth management, supplemented by strong systems development and client service teams.
Prior to Eton Solutions, Rob co-founded a Multi-Family Office, Eton Advisors. This came after he served as head of the UBS Multi-Family Office Group. Earlier in his career, Rob served as a founding principal of the US Trust Multi-Family Office, and before that, as head of the Private Asset Management Group at NC Trust Company, which was sold to US Trust in 1999. He began his career at Arthur Andersen and Price Waterhouse in North Carolina and Chicago, where he was a Senior Tax Manager. His experience is particularly deep in estate and income tax planning, investment advisory services, and complex governance and succession issues.
Rob co-teaches a graduate-level course, Personal Investing & Wealth Management, at the University of North Carolina’s Kenan-Flagler Business School. He is a Chartered Financial Analyst. Rob holds an MBA in International Business & Finance from the University of Chicago and a BS from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Rob also is an official member of the Forbes Finance Council. Members are selected based on their depth and diversity of experience and are involved in private forum discussions, partnerships and collaborations.

Kevin J. P. Hayes
Kevin Hayes joined Eton Solutions in 2020. Kevin’s day-to-day responsibilities are wide-ranging, including client interactions, sales, implementation, and services. As President of Eton Solutions, Kevin also serves as a visionary leader for the company and ensures Eton Solutions’ mission drives every decision the company makes.
With significant asset management experience in both the US and the UK, Kevin brings a global perspective to Eton Solutions, along with more than 30 years of experience in international financial services.
Kevin’s decade-plus years of experience with listing public companies on global stock exchanges positions Eton Solutions to become a world-renowned company. Most recently, Kevin was CFO of River and Mercantile Group PLC and facilitated their efforts for a premium listing on the London Stock Exchange in 2014. While leading this charge, he was responsible for Finance, Legal, Compliance and Operations of the Pension Advisory and Asset Management businesses.
His previous experience prepared him well for that task, as he was instrumental in the spin-off and listing of MF Global on the New York Stock Exchange during his role as Finance Director and Board member of the FTSE 100 listed asset manager Man Group PLC (2007-2012). During his time with Man Group PLC, he was responsible for the finance and treasury functions in the UK, Switzerland, the US, Singapore, Hong Kong, and Japan. Kevin’s leadership roles in international financial services and his experience listing public companies make him an invaluable asset to the Eton Solutions executive team.
Prior to these roles, Kevin spent over a decade with Lehman Brothers. He started there in 1995 as Managing Director, CFO Capital Markets, and covered the Fixed Income, Equities, and Private Client businesses before moving to the UK in 2001 to become Lehman’s International CFO (covering Europe and Asia). He further expanded his international management experience when he became Head of Productivity and Process Improvement in 2005. In this position, he co-led the Lehman India offshoring operations.
Kevin started his career at Ernst & Young in New Zealand, where he started in Audit. While there, he was seconded to the NZ Securities Commission to assist in the rewrite of the Companies Act due to his accounting and legal experience. He moved to EY New York in 1989 where he became a Partner in the Financial Services practice covering publicly listed investment banks and foreign registered banks operating in the US.
Kevin is a graduate of Victoria University, New Zealand, with bachelor’s degrees in both Law and Accounting. He was admitted as a Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand. Kevin is also a Certified Public Accountant in California.

Phil Ierardi
Phil Ierardi joined Eton Solutions in April of 2021 as Senior Vice President of Sales. Phil is a 25 year veteran of Fidelity Investments. He spent the last 16 years building out the Fidelity Family Office Services business from a start-up in 2004 to over 450 clients and nearly $200 billion in assets. In his last role with FFOS, Phil was SVP, of Family Office Sales. He oversaw the business development function nationally, as well as the reporting services function consisting of a team of consultants focused on technical and operational efficiency. Having worked with hundreds of single-family and multi-family offices, Phil has extensive knowledge in the area of financial technology and operations as it pertains to the challenges inherent in supporting UHNW clients. Prior to his roles in sales and consulting, Phil was responsible for a team of middle office, back office and product management professionals focused on the development and delivery of reporting services to SFO and MFO clients. He was part of the build out and creation of a new platform, as well as the implementation of a world class service model.
Prior to his career at FFOS, he worked at Fidelity Charitable in a series of roles. Phil was responsible for managing the modernization and conversion of the Fidelity Charitable infrastructure to a new platform. He helped launch a new business for an outsourced, white-labeled donor advised fund. Lastly, he worked as a relationship manager promoting the Fidelity Charitable services to T&E attorneys, CPAs, RIAs and UHNW individuals.

Bryan Henning
Bryan Henning is a wealth management specialist with over 30 years of experience. He represents Eton Solutions as Senior Vice President, Head of International. Bryan is based in Singapore, where he leads Sales & Marketing efforts for all International countries outside of North and South America.
He leads client interactions, sales, implementation, marketing and services throughout Asia, Middle East, Australia, New Zealand, Europe and Africa, and supports all company operations in Singapore.
Throughout his multi-decade career, Bryan has worked in banking and wealth management, leading divisions for Standard Chartered Bank, Barclays Wealth, and HSBC, where he developed and managed all aspects of wealth management offerings to retail, mass affluent, HNW and UHNW clients.
While Bryan has successfully built and run wealth management and investment product and services businesses in Africa, the Middle East, and Europe, the majority of his experience is based in Asia. He is a Permanent Resident of Singapore, where he currently resides, and he has Canadian and Australian roots.
Bryan graduated from University of British Columbia, Canada, with a Bachelor of Commerce. He obtained a Chartered Accountants designation from the Institute of Chartered Accountants of British Columbia and has recently joined the faculty of the Wealth Management Institute, supporting the provision of Product and Advisory Services courses. Bryan previously supported Eton Solutions’ international expansion strategy as an advisor.

Nimish Soni
Nimish comes to Eton with 25+ years of experience as an entrepreneur and in senior executive roles at listed companies across the world. Nimish leverages his deep expertise in large implementations and operations by developing and building Eton Solutions’ onboarding and client operations teams. He has put in place best-in-class methodologies and practices to allow Eton Solutions to quickly scale the operations.
Prior to joining Eton, Nimish started his career at Cap Gemini and later founded several companies including ProcessMind and FirstLife. ProcessMind became a 5000 employee company with employees and customers around the world. After several M&As, ProcessMind became a part of Xchanging (listed in London) where Nimish served as part of the global executive management board.

Jeegar Patel
Jeegar Patel leads the product and technology development group at Eton Solutions.
He is a thought leader with a commercial product mindset and has an exceptional track record of shaping and executing technology transformation and business process reengineering strategies. He is responsible for the design of integrated platform architecture and building a comprehensive end-to-end solution that fully integrates all operational aspects of the wealth management life cycle, empoweringFamily Offices to run more efficiently and deliver a transformative experience to their clients.
Jeegar joined us from BlackRock, after serving for 18 years as Managing Director responsible for the accelerated technology vision and commercial product launch strategy for Aladdin’s Accounting, Performance, Provider Oversight and Reporting capabilities – Key engine of business growth, for harvesting incremental revenue from existing clients and distinguishing value proposition for prospects. He has championed industry leading Post Trade operational scale and efficiency, with an accomplished history of building scale engineered, resilient, and open architecture platform solutions for clients across Asset Management, Insurance, Pensions and Asset Servicer landscape.
Jeegar holds a Bachelors degree in Electronics Engineering and Masters degree in Electrical Engineering with specialization in Automation Control and Robotics from The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda.

Murali Nadarajah
Muralidhran (Murali) Nadarajah, Chief Information Officer at Eton Solutions, leverages over three decades of global experience in system integration and professional services. His expertise in digital transformation, AI, and analytics spans across the US, UK, and Asia.
Murali’s career is distinguished by his roles as CEO, CTO, and CIO at HCL, BancTec, and DXC Technologies (formerly CSC and HP Enterprises), including co-founding VC-funded ventures like Digité. He has driven significant innovations such as an award-winning automatic fare system and the world’s first nationwide cloud-based virtual learning environment. His contributions to high-impact projects for financial titans like American Express and Goldman Sachs showcase his strategic vision and commitment to transforming industries through technology.
At Eton, he led the transformation of AtlasFive into a cloud-native platform, now hosted securely across multiple countries. The platform re-architecting also allowed the transformation of AtlasFive to economically address wealth owners with lower AUMs.
He broadened cybersecurity and privacy measures, adding ISO27001, ISO27701, and OSPAR to the existing SOC2 compliance.
With a deep-rooted background in AI that began over 37 years ago during his academic tenure, Murali leads the integration of LLMs, expert systems, and machine learning into Eton’s AtlasFive Family Office platform, enhancing family office operations with AI-driven solutions. Murali is the inventor behind several patents and provisional patents in the design of autonomous AI agents, context-aware AI-based OCR, and AI-based dynamic visualization.

Bharath Kumar
Bharath Kumar is Chief Implementation Officer for Eton Solutions, with executive responsibility for managing all implementation functions. He works closely with the executive and senior leadership teams in executing the firm’s strategic vision. His key responsibilities include developing high caliber implementation talents and developing methodology, implementation operating procedures, and global infrastructure that improves Eton’s implementation efficiencies.
Bharath brings over 24 years of global experience to Eton Solutions. Prior to joining Eton Solutions, he was the Chief Operating Officer of Arthur J Gallagher’s International Division, in which he was responsible for overseeing operations across 25 countries. While at Arthur J Gallagher, he did extensive work in M&A and integrations, and was responsible for implementing operating models and professional standards across multi-cultural operating teams. His previous role was Head of Implementation in a global firm that provided technology and business operations services around the world for clients in various industries, including banking, insurance, insurance broking, pensions, property asset management, and logistics.
Bharath holds an MBA in Financial Management from Mangalore University in India, with specialization in capital assets and portfolio theories.
Satyen Patel
Robert E. Mallernee
Alex Leman
W. Jackson Parham, Jr.
Steve Hassenfelt
Teresa Eriksson
Roger Kafker
Rajendra Pai
Michael Pierron
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