Eton Solutions 研究与分析

Eton Solutions可以帮助您的办公室尽其所能。浏览我们的资源范围以了解更多信息。
收益最大化,风险最小化:基金会计的自动化,助力您的私人资本合伙企业(Private Capital Partnerships)
Navigate the challenges confronting the modern family office industry, from complex regulatory environments to the shifting landscape of private capital investments. As capital flows increasingly towards private partnerships like private equity and venture capital, family offices must evolve their accounting systems and processes to meet these changing demands. However, the presence of operational silos within family offices hampers the development of robust internal processes and control frameworks, leading to diminishing returns and escalating costs, including cybersecurity investments.

家族办公室越来越多地管理一系列复杂资产,并面临着成功所需的技术基础设施水平的关键决策。寻求真正世界级资产配置组合的家族办公室能否在无需在技术、员工和其他基础设施上花钱的情况下管理这种配置?还是技术和财富管理公司的创新使之民主化?继续将其交给一个交易对手的想法是否更具成本效益,还是他们可以选择最佳/开放架构模型?家族办公室对最佳技术基础设施是否达成共识?关于 “单一家庭” 或 “多家族” 办公室成功管理复杂投资组合所需的运营基础设施和技术水平,存在争论。亚洲各地的家族办公室似乎正处于十字路口——在建立正确的数字基础设施时,我们如何对 “建造” 或 “购买” 什么做出正确的决定。

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