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Les affaires courantes au sein du Family Office

Amidst the challenges of the COVID-19 crisis, Family Offices are facing significant hurdles with remote working and meeting the escalating demands of clients, frequently requiring daily updates. This has placed considerable strain on staff members, resulting in an immense impact.

Livres blancs

Autres livres blancs

Les affaires courantes au sein du Family Office

Amidst the challenges of the COVID-19 crisis, Family Offices are facing significant hurdles with remote working and meeting the escalating demands of clients, frequently requiring daily updates. This has placed considerable strain on staff members, resulting in an immense impact.

La comptabilité des fonds à l'abîme

Discover the potential of Fund/Partnership accounting within the Family Office: Accelerate your investment partnerships amidst the expanding universe of alternative investments. Traditionally, managing data for funds or partnerships begins with simple spreadsheet tracking, often overseen by the office CFO. However, the increasing complexity of alternative investments highlights the limitations of this approach.

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