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La confluence de la technologie et des opérations dans le Family Office

Dsicover the potential for real integration of technology and operations in the SFO and MFO world, revolutionizing the family office business model and simplifying complexities. With the right tools, technology can seamlessly integrate into operational functions, providing exponential impact and enhancing value and quality.

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La confluence de la technologie et des opérations dans le Family Office

Dsicover the potential for real integration of technology and operations in the SFO and MFO world, revolutionizing the family office business model and simplifying complexities. With the right tools, technology can seamlessly integrate into operational functions, providing exponential impact and enhancing value and quality.

Les affaires courantes au sein du Family Office

Amidst the challenges of the COVID-19 crisis, Family Offices are facing significant hurdles with remote working and meeting the escalating demands of clients, frequently requiring daily updates. This has placed considerable strain on staff members, resulting in an immense impact.

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