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Assurer le succès d'un Family Office : Naviguer dans les risques opérationnels


August 11, 2023

Sensibiliser les individus aux subtilités d'un family office implique de comprendre son rôle fondamental dans la gestion des risques. Un jour, un membre d'un family office a eu une révélation : il a compris que la fonction essentielle d'un family office est de gérer efficacement les risques. L'incapacité à le faire peut en effet conduire à la chute d'un family office. Si les risques d'investissement et les risques opérationnels requièrent tous deux une attention particulière, c'est ce dernier qui présente un potentiel d'échec catastrophique.

Operational Risk: The Keystone to Success

Operational risk is centered on the mechanics of a family office's functioning. These risks are closely tied to conscious decisions regarding the office's processes and priorities. Though they might not inevitably result in failure, they can adversely impact efficiency and escalate costs. The severity of their impact hinges on internal management choices.

A crucial interconnection exists between operational risk and human risk—instances where business operations falter due to human errors. This correlation underscores the need for careful consideration when making operational decisions. While industries with limited human interaction tend to possess lower operational risks, implementing such a structure within a family office context is an intricate task. A comprehensive and insightful white paper titled "Demystifying Risk Management for Family Offices," authored by Boston Private, adeptly outlines the critical areas where a family office must concentrate its operational efforts.

Charting a Path with Operational Risk Management

Developing a strategy for managing operational risks begins with creating a risk map. This comprehensive plan identifies, evaluates, communicates, and mitigates risks. It extends to encompass essential aspects such as business continuity, disaster recovery planning, information security, and compliance measures. Recognizing that human errors are inevitable, emphasis should be placed on practical corrective measures that eliminate vulnerabilities and ensure effective controls.

Operational challenges faced by family offices, including manual processes prone to human error, disparate and unintegrated systems, unreliable data, suboptimal resource utilization, and deficient security measures, underscore the complexity they encounter. Factors like complex ownership structures, costs, expectations, service delivery, and staffing/training further contribute to these challenges.

Leveraging Technology for Operational Excellence

An encouraging facet of these challenges is the potential of technology to provide robust solutions. A pivotal requirement for family offices is an integrated, role-based, cross-functional technology platform. This platform should incorporate business processes that drive workflows, supported by a single, cloud-based, highly secure database and document management system. Such a technology framework can effectively bolster operational risk management to the highest degree.

Preserving Trust through Operational Excellence

In the context of family offices, the repercussions of operational errors are most keenly felt in the erosion of trust. Trust is paramount, especially when fiduciary responsibilities necessitate the highest standards of care for family affairs. Without a robust operational focus and structure, a family office is susceptible to failure.

The wisdom shared by author Joel A. Barker aptly captures the essence of successful family office management: "Vision without action is merely a dream; action without vision just passes the time; vision with action can change the world." By embracing a holistic approach to operational risk management, family offices can not only safeguard their vision but also fortify their actions to create lasting impact. The careful balance between effective risk management and operational excellence forms the bedrock of a thriving family office.


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