

The AI Revolution: Why AI will be a Game Changer for Family Offices

In an era defined by technological advancement, artificial intelligence (AI) stands out as the biggest and one of the most revolutionizing trends. AI will impact every industry but holds the opportunity to revolutionize the wealth management industry in particular. For decades family offices have hoped that some of the major inefficiencies in the wealth management industry would be solved by technology. Too often the progress was far less than the promise as vendors and family offices alike struggled with lack of standards and too much information locked in documents (unstructured data). AI has the potential to change this and so much more. Let's delve into the multifaceted dimensions of AI's role in family offices and how innovative tools like Eton Solutions’ EtonGPT will reshape the industry.

How Business Managers Can Leverage Technology to Future Proof Your Practice

In the realm of business management, challenges abound with evolving client needs, technological shifts, and regulatory changes. Embracing technology emerges as a vital strategy, enabling managers to tackle present issues while preparing for the future. Recognizing enduring constants, such as the importance of exceptional employees and the complexity of client lives, guides strategic planning. Leveraging advancements like AI and APIs streamlines operations, enhances client experiences, and mitigates risks. Proactive adoption of modern technology ensures firms remain resilient and competitive in the digital age.

Better Process, Better Outcomes: Navigating Technology Investments for Family Offices and UHNW Clients

Want to get a better return on your technology investment? Having a better upfront selection process will go a long way in ensuring a better return on investment (ROI) for your technology spend. Selecting technology is a lot like selecting a new investment for your client. You wouldn’t ask your golf buddies what investments they are in, get a couple of corporate pitches and then select the cheapest stock. Sadly, this is how many business managers and family offices go about selecting technology. They ask their peers, get some demos and go with the best demo and\or cheapest price.

Eton Solutions 和 Hubbis 在香港召集决策者探讨家族办公室的全球趋势和挑战

最近,Hubbis 与 Eton Solutions 在中国俱乐部合作举办了一场变革性的活动。此次活动以 "建立家族办公室--关键挑战与后果 "为主题,对家族办公室动态的复杂性进行了丰富的探讨。在城市全景的映衬下,业内知名人士齐聚一堂,就地区战略吸引力、运营挑战、治理动态以及家族办公室的愿景作用等问题展开了深入讨论。从人情味与技术之间的微妙平衡,到拥抱数字化转变的当务之急,此次活动展示了伊顿作为战略合作伙伴在不断变化的环境中指导家族办公室的能力。


2023 年,家族办公室的重点是把事情做对,而不是彻底改变。福布斯》强调了家族财富专业化、实施长期薪酬基准、留住人才以及分散风险以在不确定性中取得成功的重要性。其中一个关键方面是优化会计流程和工作流程,承认自动化对会计师的影响。与其担心工作被取代,不如强调技术与员工之间的协同作用。家族办公室的高效自动化包括精简会计工作、规范工作流程和部署技术以加强决策。

2023 年家族办公室面临的五大人工智能驱动的安全威胁

Eton Solutions 首席信息官 Murali Nadarajah 与 AtlasFive 人工智能工具 EtonGPT 共同撰写了这篇文章。EtonGPT 是首个根据家族办公室最佳实践进行微调的家族办公室大型语言模型。它以 GPT-4 为基础,为每个客户提供一个安全的私有实例。

2023 年塑造家族办公室的变革趋势

In 2023, the landscape of family offices is undergoing transformative shifts, shaped by evolving demands and technological advancements, as thoroughly analyzed in Simple’s Family Office Software and Technology in 2023 report. At the forefront of these changes, four major trends stand out: technology integration, professionalization, outsourcing services, and customization, all weaved together against the backdrop of globalization.

Streamlining Tax Preparation for Ultra-High-Net-Worth Families: A Blueprint for Success

As ultra-high-net-worth (UHNW) families navigate the intricate web of assets, investments, and complex legal structures, the task of tax preparation becomes a formidable challenge. Even when relying on external CPAs, the process remains time-consuming and error-prone. However, there is a powerful solution at hand: harnessing the right technology can revolutionize tax preparation for UHNW families.




教育个人了解家族办公室的复杂性,包括理解其在风险管理中的基本作用。家族办公室的一位成员曾经经历过一个 "灵光闪现 "的时刻,他认识到家族办公室的核心职能是有效管理风险。如果做不到这一点,确实会导致家族办公室的倒闭。虽然投资风险和运营风险都需要关注,但后者才有可能带来灾难性的失败。

Introducing Eton Solutions Administrative Family Office (AFO)™

The increasing accumulation of wealth has led to a surge in the establishment of family offices by ultra-high-net-worth individuals and families. The attraction lies in the increased control, visibility, and flexibility that these family offices offer, outperforming the services that traditional wealth management firms provide. Mordor Intelligence data shows that there were 7,300 family offices globally in 2019, marking a 38% increase over the previous two years.




越来越多的家族办公室发现,技术与战略密不可分。技术有其内在逻辑,必须在战略规划中加以考虑--创建业务概念、确定目标和目的、实现目标的长期方法以及制定行动计划的过程,都离不开对办公技术的讨论。技术不仅仅是功能性的螺母和螺栓;它可以使办公室走上未来可持续发展的道路,使其能够在 "更高水平 "上工作。


心理学家将恢复力定义为面对逆境、创伤、悲剧、威胁或重大风险来源时的良好适应过程。对于家族办公室来说,适应大流行病的需要更加强烈,并将持续到 2023/2024 年可能出现的经济衰退。


所有家族办公室都依赖软件来帮助运营。虽然其中许多软件包都会定期更新,但它们可能已不再符合现代办公室的需求。是什么导致软件过时?Gartner 将过时软件描述为 "基于过时技术但对日常运营至关重要的信息系统"。




在通往汽车自动化和自动驾驶汽车的技术之路上,专家们经常谈到五个级别的自动化,从完全没有驾驶自动化(第 1 级)到完全驾驶自动化(第 5 级)。今天的家族办公室在考虑如何利用自动化的力量来改善他们 "从这里到那里 "的交通方式时,可以考虑类似的级别。


在提升 "客户体验 "以提高客户满意度和业绩方面,当今的家族办公室可以向星巴克学习一二。




在过去,当集成投资分类账和总账的神圣梦想还只是一个梦想的时候,家族办公室不得不利用现有的工具拼凑一个系统。许多家族办公室依赖于 Microsoft Excel 和 QuickBooks 的组合,或者他们寻求各种基于点的功能性技术产品,这些产品在为基金经理、对冲基金、私募股权公司等开发之后,被卖到了家族办公室领域。这不是一个很好的解决方案,但选择有限。


许多经济学家预测,2022 年底或 2023 年将出现经济衰退。但也有人说,经济衰退将会避免。无论如何,大多数人都认为家族办公室受到了很好的保护,不会受到经济衰退的太大影响。但历史并非如此。

Meeting the Staffing Challenges of the Family Office of the Future

Building, retaining, empowering, and optimizing teams is perhaps one of the biggest challenges facing any organization. Without good people who have the knowledge and tools to excel at their jobs, businesses cannot perform.


在对家族办公室软件用户进行的多项调查中,网络安全始终是最重要、最常见的关注问题。家族办公室 IT 系统的潜在漏洞和机密数据的丢失让许多家族办公室人员彻夜难眠。


长期以来,人们一直担心机器会推翻和取代人类。这种恐惧至少可以追溯到 1872 年塞缪尔-巴特勒的文学作品《埃雷沃恩》。那时,机器还只是金属齿轮,但这种恐惧仍在发酵。这种恐惧源于对机器进化速度与人类进化速度的比较。巴特勒说:"我所担心的是,它们正在以非同寻常的速度变成与现在截然不同的东西。在过去的任何时代,没有任何一类生物能够如此迅速地向前发展"。



Reimagining Family Office Cybersecurity and IT Excellence

If your family office is still using on-premises IT infrastructure, such as in-house servers running your applications, you probably are taking significant unnecessary security and compliance risks. You're also wasting precious time and resources that could be better spent adding value for your family.


"量身定制 "是一种流行的说法,表示非常适合特定的需求或情况。如果不需要花费过多的时间、低效的人工流程、昂贵的定制软件开发和过多的资源,那么 "量身定制 "就会非常完美。

H.R. 4620 法案的拟议修改可能对您的家族办公室产生哪些影响

由于单一家族办公室(SFO)只负责管理一个单一家族的资金,美国证券交易委员会(SEC)历来允许其在不同于传统投资顾问的监管下运作。2008 年的金融风暴首次促使监管机构重新考虑这一豁免。尽管当时没有做出任何改变,但最近在 2021 年 3 月发生的 Archegos Capital Management 倒闭事件促使立法者提出了 H.R. 4620 法案,该法案将改变对 SFO 的监管方式。


家庭办公室的账单支付是怎样的? 该流程始于购买产品或服务,办事处收到供应商的付款发票。对发票进行记录、验证、批准付款,然后付款。对于许多家族办公室来说,这个过程既耗时又容易出错,其中涉及人工、纸张密集型工作流程、多点系统和电子表格。




家族办公室的直接投资过程是一个日益严峻的 "杠铃 "挑战。起初是对拟议投资进行评估和尽职调查,一旦投资完成,危险就围绕着数据和维护投资 "现实 "展开:内部收益率、所有权、报告等。一边是投资,一边是运营,这对家族办公室来说是一个巨大的挑战。


