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Risorse per aiutarvi a costruire il family office del futuro

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The AI Revolution: Why AI will be a Game Changer for Family Offices

In an era defined by technological advancement, artificial intelligence (AI) stands out as the biggest and one of the most revolutionizing trends. AI will impact every industry but holds the opportunity to revolutionize the wealth management industry in particular. For decades family offices have hoped that some of the major inefficiencies in the wealth management industry would be solved by technology. Too often the progress was far less than the promise as vendors and family offices alike struggled with lack of standards and too much information locked in documents (unstructured data). AI has the potential to change this and so much more. Let's delve into the multifaceted dimensions of AI's role in family offices and how innovative tools like Eton Solutions’ EtonGPT will reshape the industry.

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Massimizzare i rendimenti e ridurre i rischi: Il potere della contabilità automatizzata dei fondi nelle partnership di capitale privato

Navigate the challenges confronting the modern family office industry, from complex regulatory environments to the shifting landscape of private capital investments. As capital flows increasingly towards private partnerships like private equity and venture capital, family offices must evolve their accounting systems and processes to meet these changing demands. However, the presence of operational silos within family offices hampers the development of robust internal processes and control frameworks, leading to diminishing returns and escalating costs, including cybersecurity investments.

Family Office Research

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Family Office Technology – Key Considerations for Asian Family Offices

Family offices are increasingly managing an array of complex assets and are faced with critical decisions on the level of technology infrastructure required to be successful. Can a family office looking for a truly world class asset allocation mix manage that without the need to spend money on technology, staff and other infrastructure or has this been democratised by technology and wealth manager innovation? Is it more cost effective to continue the idea of giving it over to one counterparty or can they pick a best of breed/ open architecture model? Is there consensus among Family Offices concerning the optimal technology infrastructure? There is debate as to the level of operational infrastructure and technology that a ‘single’ or ‘multi-family’ office needs to be successful in managing complex portfolios. Family offices across Asia seem to be at the crossroads - how do we make the right decision of what to ‘build’ or ‘buy’ when it comes to getting the right digital infrastructure in place.

Approfondimenti sul Family Office

Consiglio finanziario di Forbes

Scoprite gli articoli di thought leadership pubblicati su Forbes che forniscono preziose prospettive sulla trasformazione della governance e della gestione patrimoniale dei family office con la tecnologia.

A picture of a man with glasses and a suit.

Le best practice guidate dalla tecnologia e la governance integrata sono il futuro dei family office

Per garantire che le best practice e la governance siano radicate all'interno di un ufficio, un'organizzazione deve mappare i processi e i flussi di lavoro esistenti e definire come vengono eseguiti oggi e dove possono essere migliorati.

Soluzioni puntuali o una piattaforma integrata:
Una decisione cruciale per l'azienda

Ci sono alcune differenze fondamentali che vale la pena considerare al momento della decisione.

Abbracciare la trasformazione digitale
nei Family Office

La rapida crescita delle famiglie ultra-high net worth (UHNW) ha dato vita a un settore fiorente di family office.

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Gestire la complessità del Family Office con AtlasFive

Per i moderni family office, la complessità è il nome del gioco. Poiché gestiscono un'intricata rete di entità legali, strutture proprietarie e interrelazioni, i family office hanno numerose responsabilità e requisiti di rendicontazione che abbracciano vari accordi. E a causa dell'unicità della composizione e dei ruoli di ogni ufficio, trovare una piattaforma tecnologica in grado di cogliere ogni aspetto della loro amministrazione, consentendo al tempo stesso una totale personalizzazione, è stata una sfida - fino ad oggi. Con la piattaforma AtlasFive di Eton Solutions, i family office possono finalmente implementare un sistema completamente integrato e configurabile in base alle esigenze dei clienti.

Event Insights

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Hong Kong 2023 - Overcoming Key Challenges and Meeting Key Objectives in Establishing a Family Office

Hubbis and our exclusive partner for the event, Eton Solutions, hosted a private, bespoke event attended by decision-makers from the Hong Kong wealth advisory and family office scene on October 17 at the China Club.

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