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EtonSolutions Responsible AI Policy

Last Updated: May 29, 2024

This Eton Solution Responsible AI Policy (“Policy”) governs your use of artificial intelligence services, features, and functionality (including third-party models) that we provide (collectively as “EtonGPT™”). This Policy supplements Eton Solutions’ Privacy Policy, Acceptable Use Policy, Information Security Policy and Data Processing Agreement.

Responsible AI Principles 

Eton Solutions' AI efforts are guided by eight foundational principles:

Responsible AI Policy


You may not use, or allow others to use EtonGPT™ to:

  • Spread intentional disinformation or deception.
  • Violate the privacy rights of others, including unlawful tracking, monitoring, and identification.
  • Depict a person's voice or likeness without their consent, including unauthorized impersonation and non-consensual sexual imagery.
  • Harm or exploit minors, including grooming and child sexual exploitation.
  • Harass, harm, or encourage the harm of individuals or specific groups.
  • Intentionally circumvent safety filters and functionality or prompt models to act against our Policies.
  • Perform a lethal function in a weapon without human authorization or control.
Responsible AI Requirements 

When making consequential decisions, you must evaluate potential risks and implement appropriate human oversight, testing, and safeguards. Consequential decisions include those affecting fundamental rights, health, safety, legal proceedings, government benefits, education, employment, lending/credit, and financial advice.

You are responsible for all decisions, actions, and failures based on your use of EtonGPT™. Outputs generated by AI tools are probabilistic and may be inaccurate or inappropriate. They should be evaluated for accuracy and appropriateness.

Eton Solutions may investigate and enforce violations of this Policy as noted in the Eton Solutions Acceptable Use Policy. We are committed to developing safe, fair, and accurate AI services and providing tools and guidance to help you use AI responsibly.