Family Office Research

Family Office Technology – Key Considerations for Asian Family Offices
Family offices are increasingly managing an array of complex assets and are faced with critical decisions on the level of technology infrastructure required to be successful. Can a family office looking for a truly world class asset allocation mix manage that without the need to spend money on technology, staff and other infrastructure or has this been democratised by technology and wealth manager innovation? Is it more cost effective to continue the idea of giving it over to one counterparty or can they pick a best of breed/ open architecture model? Is there consensus among Family Offices concerning the optimal technology infrastructure? There is debate as to the level of operational infrastructure and technology that a ‘single’ or ‘multi-family’ office needs to be successful in managing complex portfolios. Family offices across Asia seem to be at the crossroads - how do we make the right decision of what to ‘build’ or ‘buy’ when it comes to getting the right digital infrastructure in place.

Simon-Kucher APAC Family Office Study
Discover the latest insights and the evolving dynamics of family offices in the APAC region. This exclusive APAC Family Office Study offers a comprehensive analysis of the challenges and perspectives across the ecosystem. Key topics include top pain points, operational challenges and strategic perspectives.
Singapore has seen an influx of new family offices being set up in the country over the last few years. The number of family offices multiplied fivefold from 2017 to 2019, with around 700 single-family offices (SFOs) establishing a presence in Singapore by the end of 2021. This figure is expected to more than double to 1,500 by the end of 2023.The influx of family offices reflects the perceived stability of Singapore as a wealth hub in the region and the growing interest of the wealthy to manage their assets better. Yet not all family offices are successful in achieving their investment goals and ambitions. New and existing family offices often face perennial challenges and issues across the entire family office lifecycle, from incorporation to day-to-day operations.

The Wealth Mosaic Middle East WealthTech Landscape Report 2023
The path to the family office of the future. Bryan Henning, SVP, Head of International, Eton Solutions International says that a robust platform combined with solid data management and next-generation technologies can future proof the family office. Professionals working in family offices are experiencing significant and increasing complexity. Manual, high-risk work processes such as spreadsheets and point systems erroneously rely on human reconciliation – leading to incomplete, delayed, and inaccurate reporting and the inefficient use of high-value human resources. Moreover, manual calculations inherently lack cybersecurity, disaster recovery, and business continuity processes and skills. But providing accurate information is the first job of any office, and it directly impacts every other job the office does.
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